Sunday 5 April 2015

Depression is demonic

For research carried out on DEPRESSION ,

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a continuous feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression may make you feel as if life isn't worth living

Many people has lost the battle as a result of depression either from work, marriage, spiritually e.t.c. Depression most often has physiological roots and origins. it can be cause by various chemical imbalance in the brain for example, by the absence of serotonin in our brains, which happen when we don’t get enough sunlight, the longer they Stay in the dark, the more depressed they become and stronger their addiction becomes.

We need sunlight, we need exercise, a proper diet, and vitamins; otherwise, we can easily find ourselves in a depressed state. If we in ingest too much caffeine, sugar, white bread, or alcohol or drugs, or if we fail to take in adequate B-complex vitamins, our body will show symptoms of depression.

Depression on the other hand can be demonic when people know they have a duty to do something and they don’t do it, or they are engaging in a conduct they know to be wrong but refused to stop. They feel ashamed of themselves, because there is something wrong in their lives, and they refused to deal with it, yet it continue to haunt them.

Depression can be from birth, loss of a loved one, or other grief , tragedy or failure… it often requires professional help to deal with it.

Moreover, demonic oppression can cause depression, demonic influence can cause people to be fearful and spirit of fear can cause depression.

Depression is one of the tools of the devil, he rejoices when you are depressed.
As a child of God lean on him for solution. “Cast your burden upon the Lord” for He alone can make things right.
To overcome depression, you need to believe in the word, be spirit filled, and command your day every morning with the words of God.  You must start each day with the thought of possibilities remember 
“every day is good day if you pray”

Have a blessed day…....

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