Wednesday 29 April 2015

The mystery of Buhari's Power and Politics

The mystery of Buhari's Power and Politics

 In Nigeria’s political history, Buhari broke a unique record for people to emulate and his fellow politicians.

His victory made an historical significance in which the very first time a sitting Nigerian President at the point where ballots is still been counted conceded. By accepting defeat, he showed  that he is a man of his words, a man of great honour and courage.

He also demonstrated to the world that his “personal ambition is not worth the blood of Nigerian.
He also distinguished himself as an exemplary statesman and great nationalist who set himself apart as a great trustee of history.

 History and the entire world will celebrate him and write his name in gold in commemoration of his great legacy.

This is a new era for Nigeria which is set to reawaking both the people and their leaders.

 It’s a moment which has raised political cum social economic consciousness in the entire black race and the global  need for good governance and political tolerance among earthly leaders all over the world.

It has also created the need for leaders to sit tight and learn to govern their people with love, care and compassion, peace and justice as well as respect for human dignity.

For Buhari, it is golden opportunity for him to gird his loins, put on his crown of thorns, armour of breast plate, and brave the turbulent tides of change thrown up by fate and the benevolent spirit of the Almighty God.

It’s the time to bring to an end the era when thousands of jobless Nigerian graduates besiege the news stands in search of job opportunities in their father land, only to be confronted by frightening headlines about deaths, bomb blasts, frauds, strikes, inflated contracts, 419, money laundering, misappropriation of public funds and other corrupt tendencies. It’s a time to eradicate mediocrity, ethnicity, and religious bigotry and promote merit, equity and fairness among all citizens of this nation. To clean the Augean stable, the President-elect needs a divine courage, doggedness and positive attitude to do the right thing for the general good of the people who elected him

It’s an opportunity for Buhari and the APC political machinery to brace up and do great things for Nigerians, who gave them their mandate, by transforming the lives of the common man.

It’s the time to bring to an end the era when thousands of jobless Nigerian graduates besiege the newsstands in search of job opportunities in their fatherland, only to be confronted by frightening headlines about deaths, bomb blasts, frauds, strikes, inflated contracts, 419, money laundering, misappropriation of public funds and other corrupt tendencies.

It’s a time to eradicate mediocrity, ethnicity, and religious bigotry and promote merit, equity and fairness among all citizens of this nation. To clean the Augean stable, the President-elect needs a divine courage, doggedness and positive attitude to do the right thing for the general good of the people who elected him.

To succeed, I urge him to be humble and benevolent in victory by closing ranks with the outgoing president in honour and dignity, which he deserves as a great and distinguished statesman.

There is a very strong need for Buhari and the APC government to recognise and reciprocate the uncommon sportsmanship and spirit of magnanimity exhibited by Jonathan, by giving him a sense of belonging in the political governance of the country.

He must look beyond the Jonathan era and brace up to the challenging task of building a sustainable legacy for the future generation of Nigerians by fighting insecurity, corruption, impunity, executive lawlessness and incessant power outage across the country.

Now, it is time to move forward. On assumption of office, Buhari needs to hit the ground running by cleaning the Augean stable. He needs to clear the existing political stumbling blocks that lay his way.

He must bring in the bricklayer, rebuild the cracked walls of the homestead, and pa

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